How to train your puppy to pee outside.

House training your new puppy typically required between 4-6 to 12 months depending on the breed as some experts say. House training is all about consistency, patience, and positive support. 
 But in my salon, a lot of discussion goes on about toilet training your new puppy.  I would like to give my advice based on my personal experience and my customer’s first hands experience. Every puppy’s owner must know how to train a puppy to pee outside. My biggest advice is to take your puppy outside to pee.  Always use the same  ‘pee spot ‘, keep your puppy on a leash and repeat the same phrase like “let’s go to pee”. Give them a bit of time to sniff around this spot before and after. Right after they’ve finished give them a little treat and acknowledge your pup with verbal praise. It won’t be the same if you give them a treat when they come back inside. 

You have to establish a routine. Experts say that puppies can control their bladder for one hour for every month age. So one month puppy can control under one hour.  So it is advisable to take it to “pee sport” every half an hour particularly before and after sleep, play, meals and water and most importantly if your puppy sniffing and circling. Sniffing is a very important sign to show you that puppy looking for It’s “pee sport”, you on the right way.  Do not forget to reward your puppy every time they pee at the same “pee spot”. making pee training easier for both of you Try to control their toilet schedule by creating a feeding schedule. Feeding them at the same time is more likely to create consistency when they eliminate themselves.
Expect your puppy to have accidents in the house it’s a normal part of house training. Do not be stressed,  immediately take them to their outside to usual “pee spot’. Praise your pup and give a treat if they finish there. And most importantly clean the soiled area good to illuminate any smell. Make sure that puppies must be able to smell their urine or feces only at their usual  “pee sport” otherwise they may become confused and make further training much harder.